Support the change towards a more humane laying hen farm! Do not miss AFJ F.A.I.R #2 from Animal Friends Jogja (AFJ), which since 2010 has been fighting for animal welfare with enthusiasm.
- Date : September 21, 2024
- Hours: 09:00 – 21:00 Western Indonesia Time
- Location. : YOGYATOURIUM, DAGADU DJOKDJA | St. South Gedongkuning No.128, Rejowinangun, Kotagede, Yogyakarta, DIY 55171
- Entrance Fee : free
Things that can be obtained at AFJ F.A.I.R #2:
- Inspiring Discussion & Talkshow: Take part in a big change for the welfare of livestock! Join the exciting discussion about switching to cage-free eggs and find ways to get involved. Talkshow “How to Make Laying Hens More Prosperous? We Can All!” Will be attended by experts, followed by a Roundtable Discussion with the theme “Cage-Free Trend in Sustainability Initiatives for Companies” which shows the success stories of business people and farmers.
- Exciting Entertainment: Laugh with satisfaction with Stand-Up Comedy Jogja, theater performance from The Freak Show, and cool music from Iksan Skuter, More On Mumbles, Rabu, and Jono Terbakar. All guaranteed fun!
- Sustainable Product Booth: Explore plant-based (vegan) products and services that support the transition to cageless eggs. Let’s support those who have committed to a more environmentally friendly system!
Join and show your support for the Cage-Free Indonesia movement. Together, we can realize the welfare of laying hens and a better future for the earth!