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Tears from Heaven

Tirtodipuran Link Building B Jl. Tirtodipuran No.26, Mantrijeron, Kec. Mantrijeron, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55143

Tears from Heaven is a solo exhibition by J. Ariadhitya Pramuhendra (, has been extended until October 27, 2024, at Tirtodipuran Link Building B, Yogyakarta. We look forward to welcoming […]

Keroncong Plesiran Vol. 8

Hutan Pinus Asri, Mangunan, Bantul Jl. Hutan Pinus Nganjir, Sukorame, Mangunan, Kec. Dlingo, Bantul

Keroncong music performance with an orchestral concept will return in 'Keroncong Plesiran Vol. 8', one of the Kharisma Event Nusantara in Yogyakarta. This keroncong music show emphasizes freedom of expression […]



ArtJog is an annual international art exhibition in Yogyakarta, Indonesia that many people look forward to. This art exhibition always successfully showcases hundreds of artworks by local and international artists. […]
