Malioboro Run 2024

Hi runners! Are you ready for an unforgettable and historical experience? An exciting news is here Malioboro Run 2024 is set to make Yogyakarta's heart race on October 6, 2024! Prepare yourself for an exceptional running experience, weaving through the charm of Malioboro and the beauty of Jogja! Don’t miss the chance to run in […]

Parama Iswari, Mahasakti Keraton Yogyakarta

Perempuan di Keraton Yogyakarta memiliki peran yang beragam dan dinamis, mencakup penjagaan tradisi, pendidikan, dan sebagai simbol kemajuan serta emansipasi perempuan. Seiring berjalannya waktu, peran ini terus berkembang, memberikan kontribusi […]

Wayang Jogja Night Carnival

Yogyakarta Jl. Margomulyo No.70, Gowongan, Kec. Jetis, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55233

Wayang Jogja Night Carnival (WJNC) has become the flagship event of Yogyakarta City which is held to commemorate the Birthday of Yogyakarta City on October 7 every year. WJNC is a street carnival (art on the street) by combining the theme of performance that has been held routinely since 2016. This carnival performance involves choreography, […]

AVO Restation 2024: Music and Sustainability Unite!

Get ready for an unforgettable experience at AVO Restation 2024, taking place at the stunning Candi Prambanan on October 12, 2024! This year’s event brings together top Indonesian artists, including […]


Lapangan Desa Pagerharjo 84GM+PRR, Plono Barat, Pagerharjo, Kec. Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55673

Hi runners! Test your endurance at BIOSFERUN 2024! A thrilling trail run event with challenging routes through the Menoreh Biosphere Reserve, crossing three regions: Magelang, Purworejo, and Kulonprogo. Categories: 5K, […]

Sriraharjo Culinary Fest

Lapangan Sepak Bola Desa Sriharjo Mojohuro, Sriharjo, Kec. Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55782

Get ready for the ultimate vibe at SRIHARJO CULINARY FEST! Don’t miss out! For just 35K, you can party with @aftershine.official! Joining the fun are @beningsekarwangi and one more guest […]


To honor the historical values and wisdom of Prince Diponegoro, Jogja Gallery, Patrapadi, the Art Management Department of FSRD ISI Yogyakarta & the History Department of UGM present: Literary Art […]


Konser Cinta Istimewa

Kenari Square Tegal Panggung, Danurejan, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55212

Konser Cinta Indonesia felt so special. The list of national artists and bands includes: Hello, Letto, Ifan Seventeen, Yura Yunita, and the newcomer who became a hit this year, namely […]

Rock Legends Festival

YOGYAKARTA, YOU READY TO ROCK? Rockers, prepare your souls because the Rock Legends Festival will rock Prambanan Park on 19-20 October 2024! Get ready to sing along with old hits […]

Rp150.000 – Rp250.000

PESTA BONEKA 9 : “Seeds Of Hope”

kampung media Jl. Sembada No.176-D, Jaban, Sinduharjo, Kec. Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581

PESTA BONEKA #9. PESTA BONEKA returns with a unique format, unlike any other puppet festival in the world. PESTA BONEKA #9 "SEEDS OF HOPE" is coming soon! From October 23 […]

Sweet Land 2024

Get ready for a sweet escape at Sweet Land, happening from November 25 to December 3 at the UG Atrium in Pakuwon Jogja! This delightful event is a haven for […]

Pusphoria 4

Kenari Archery Field Jl. Kenari No.3E, Muja Muju, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55166

Hi, Pusphorians. 3 guest stars have been revealed! Have you got your tickets yet? Paul Partohap, JKT48, and The Changcuters are ready to enliven the Pusphoria stage on October 27, […]